Parochial School of

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church


Middle School House System

Students in grades six through eight are divided into mixed-grade-level Houses. Each House is named after a Saint and has a special House prayer. Faculty advisers oversee the Houses and House Captains (eighth graders who have applied and been selected) lead House meetings.

Individual students earn points for their House by maintaining high standards for behavior and by participating in school events, Principal's challenges, community service projects, and extracurricular activities. Students carry their own monthly point sheet and must get signatures from adults who sponsor each event they participate in.

Mixing the students from all grades in the Houses provides more opportunities for students to meet peers with whom they may not otherwise interact, and the sixth graders feel more relaxed moving up to middle school. Faculty and student relationships improve as a result of interacting outside the classroom. Positive peer pressure gets students involved in activities in order to support their House and students gain a sense of pride in being able to contribute. When all students feel they can make a difference, it creates a climate where students and teachers want to be, making the House System a win-win situation!

Students gather with their Houses three times during the school day: for morning prayer and announcements, for prayer before lunch, and for afternoon prayer and dismissal. Time is set aside each month for House Meetings. This is a time when team building and goal setting take place and plans are made for socials and service projects. A friendly competition is ongoing among individual students and among Houses for highest monthly points.

Our Houses are:

St. Gregory the Great House

St. Paul House

St. Thomas Acquinas House

St. Maximilian Kolbe House

St. John Newmann House

St. Benedict House

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