Parochial School of

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church


Continuous Enrollment

Continuous Enrollment

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School normally has 92-95% of our students re-enroll each year. We recognize the vast majority of our families choose to have their students remain at St. Elizabeth's through 8th grade. To serve our families better, we are transitioning to a simplified and seamless process - Continuous Enrollment. The Admissions Office has compiled a list of FAQs for more detailed information.

Continuous Enrollment FAQs

  • What is Continuous Enrollment?

    Continuous Enrollment guarantees you student's class placement until graduation. As a result, there is no need to re-enroll your student each year. If your educational plans change, then you'll simply notify us that you wish to "opt out" of Coninuous Enrollment for the following year.

    Continuous enrollment makes ongoing enrollment easier and more convenient for parent by simplifying the re-enrollment process.

  • Why Continuous Enrollment?

    Our school leadership team does a lot of planning to ensure that we're prepared to fulfill our mission every year. We rely on enrollment numbers to make plans for staffing, programs, materials, curriculum and facility usage. We want to invest tuition dollars wisely so that we can provide the best education possible to our students each and every year.

    Up until this point, re-enrollment has been an "opt in" program. Rather than an opt-in annual enrollment process, our annual enrollment will be an OPT OUT process.  In other words, if you're coming back after signing your Continuous Enrollment Contract, your seat will be secure through graduation.

  • How do I sign up for this and why do I need to?

    For the 2025-2026 school year, families will agree to the Continuous Enrollment Contract by January 31, 2025.  Information on how to obtain this contract will be sent by the Admissions Office.

    Having families sign the one-time Continuous Enrollment Contract confirms that they fully understand the new policy and requirements.

  • Will I complete an Annual Enrollment Packet for each student as in the past?

    Once a family has signed the Continuous Enrollment Contract, the typical re-enrollment season will simply include communication reminders from the Admissions Office informing families that might be thinking about leaving our school to notify us prior to January 31st.

    We will also ask families to review their medical and emergency contact information, as well as make updates to demographic information in the FACTS Family Portal at any time. 

  • What will the Continuous Enrollment Agreement contain?

    * I hereby opt into continuous enrollment. This means that my student will keep coming back to St. Elizabeth's every year unless I tell the school otherwise.

    * I understand that I have until January 31st every year to notify the St. Elizabeth's Admissions Office of any changes in my plans of enrollment for my student.

    * If I breach this contract by withdrawing my student after January 31st, I understand that I will be contractually obligated to pay a late withdrawal fee.

  • What is the purpose of paying an Annual Commitment Fee if I have a Continuous Enrollment Contract on file?

    Submitting an annual fee secures placement for each student in the upcoming year.

  • What is the Annual Commitment Fee?

    The Annual Commitment Fee per student, previously referred to as the enrollment fee, confirms that your student will attend St. Elizabeth's for the next academic year; secures a place for your student; and confirms your financial contract. The $350 fee for current students and $500 for new students is non-refundable. 

    The school will charge the fee to your family's FACTS account in March each year.

  • What should I do if my student is not returning next year?

    St. Elizabeth's desires to maintain our partnership with you and your student's complete education, but we recognize that sometimes plans change for our families. Please contact the Admissions Office to discuss your plans and then complete the Continuous Enrollment Opt Out Withdrawal form by January 31st.

  • Why is it important to notify the school if my family is not returning for the coming school year?

    Withdrawals have a significant impact on our planning, hiring and budgeting for the next school year. We base staffing, instructional programs, materials, curriculum and facility needs on the number of students we expect for the upcoming school year. Late withdrawals negatively affect all these plans.

  • What is the difference bewteen "opting out" and "withdrawing"?

    Opting out is a designated time for families to notify the school of their plans not to return for the new academic school year. The family must complete the Continuous Enrollment Withdrawal Form by contacting the Admissions Office.  The opt-out period is from November 1st - January 31st. When a family "opts out" identifying they do not plan to return for the coming year, their Continuous Enrollment Contract concludes at the end of the applicable school year. The school will not draft the Annual Commitment Fee nor the applicable school year's tuition. A place will not be reserved for the student.

    A witdrawal occurs outside of the "opt out" period.To withdraw your student at any time during a current school year, you must contact the Admissions Office to withdraw enrollment and fees may occur.

  • What is my family's financial obligation if we withdraw?

    Families, who submit a Continuous Enrollment Opt Out Withdrawal Form by January 31st each year, will not have a financial obligation for the approaching school year.

    The following chart outlines the finanical obligation, in addition to the non-refundable Annual Commitment Fee for families who withdraw after January 31st.

    • If you withdraw by May 31, you will owe 15% of the total yearly tuition.
    • If you withdraw from June 1-July 31, you will owe 50% of the total yearly tuition.
    • If you withdraw August 1 or after, you will owe 75% of the total yearly tuition.
  • How can I appeal the financial obligation for the decision to withdraw my student during a school year?

    The Principal and Pastor will consider four qualifying events that may reduce the amount of tuition owed or release of the family's obligation for tution. Consideration for release of the financial obligation for tuition must meet one or more of the four qualifying events that must have occurred after January 31st. The family must submit in writing their Continuous Enrollment Opt Out Withdrawal Form to the Admissions Office. Within seven days of the receipt fo the withdrawal notification, the Admissions Director will notify the family of the Principal/Pastor's decision.

    * Moving/Relocation 50+ miles away from St. Elizabeth's.

    * Educational needs for the student can no longer be met at St. Elizabeth's as determined by faculty and school leadership.

    * Withdrawal at the request of St. Elizabeth's.

    * Other circumstances as approved by the Principal or Pastor.

  • What if I Opt Out and cancel my Continuous Enrollment Contract and then decide I want my student to remain at St. Elizabeth's?

    If a family opts out, thus cancelling their Continuous Enrollment Contract and then decides to return, the family must pay a new Annual Commitment Fee of $500 per student and sign a new Continuous Enrollment Contract. The student may be granted a spot based upon available openings in the grade. If the grade is full, the student will be placed in a wait pool with prospective students.

  • How does the OK Parental Choice Tax Credit and other assistance work with continuous enrollment?

    Families who receive the tax credit and/or assistance from other entities (i.e Lindsey Nichole Henry Scholarship, Oklahoma Tax Credit Scholarship, etc.) will have 10 calendar days from the date of their award letter to accept or decline the award.  If a family chooses to decline the award and Opt-Out of continuous enrollment during this 10-day period, no late withdraw fee will be assessed. If a family chooses to withdraw from St. Elizabeth’s after this 10-day period, late withdraw fees will apply.

  • How does parish financial aid work with continuous enrollment?

    Each year families must apply for financial aid. It is important that families apply by the designated deadline.  

    Financial aid award letters will be sent by February 28th and families will have 10 calendar days to accept or decline the award.  If a family declines the award and Opts-Out of continuous enrollment during this 10-day period, no withdrawal fee will be assessed. 

    Financial aid awards will be null and void after this 10-day period and late withdrawal fees will apply if a family chooses to withdraw from St. Elizabeth's. 

  • I am a current family and I want to enroll a new child at St. Elizabeth's. What do I need to do?

    To enroll a new student, families:

    * Submit an application for the new student.

    * Complete all applicable admissions steps.

    * Once enrollment is offered, sign the Continuous Enrollment Contract and pay the Annual Commitment Fee.

2025 - 2026 Important Dates

October 1, 2024 - New student application are available.

November 1, 2024 - January 31, 2025 - Complete you Continuous Enrollment Contract OR Opt Out to withdraw for the 2025-2026 school year WITHOUT a late withdrawal fee.

January 1 - February 1, 2025 - Financial aid applications are available and due.

February 18 at 9:00 AM - July 15, 2025 - The Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit portal opens. Please remember to apply EARLY.

February 28, 2025 - Financial aid award letter will be sent and families have 10 days to accept or decline without a fee.

February 1 - May 31, 2025 - If a student withdraws during this time period, a late withdrawal fee of 15% of the annual tuition rate will be assessed to your FACTS account.

March 31, 2025 - $350 Annual Commitment Fee is assessed in FACTS for all current students enrolled in the 2025-2026 school year.

June 1 - July 31, 2025 - If a student withdraws during this time period, a late withdrawal fee of 50% of the annual tuition rate will be assessed to your FACTS account.

August 1 or After - If a student withdraws during this time period, a late withdrawal fee of 75% of the annual tuition rate will be assessed to your FACTS account.

Christy Farley

Admissions Coordinator

(405) 348-5364

Amanda Pierce

FACTS/Accounting Specialist


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