Get in touch:
(405) 348-5364
Jenny Lang
Assistant Principal:
Taylor Lothes
Assistant Principal:
Melissa Patton
Guided by our Catholic faith, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School serves God and families by spiritually and academically preparing students for lives of holiness and service.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School offers high quality academic programs integrated with religious truths and values for students from Prekindergarten through 8th grade. The program fosters a healthy love of self, which leads to a sense of wholeness and an openness to spiritual growth. The development of a child's full potential is encouraged through the whole-person approach to education along with a secure and loving environment. Although parents are the primary educators of children, the purpose is to sustain and reinforce parental efforts while stressing basic academic skills and maintaining a well-rounded Catholic education.
The school is fully accredited by the Oklahoma Conference of Catholic School Accrediting Association and through reciprocal agreement with the Oklahoma State Department of Education.
Founded in 1990 and located in Edmond, Oklahoma, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School is a Pre-K 3 through 8th grade school operated under the auspices of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City.
We have a highly qualified, professional and caring faculty and staff. We consider parents the primary educators of their children and encourage parents to volunteer at our school.
Many parents choose St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School because of the religious formation their children receive, the safe and nurturing environment we maintain, sound, rigorous academics, and the caring and committed staff who work here.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton offers excellent academic and co-curricular programs that are infused with religious truth and values reflecting Christ's Gospel call to love one another. We are committed to preparing students for life in today's Church and society. Our focus is grounded upon the development of the whole person of the student, spiritually, intellectually, socially and physically.
Along with our curriculum, we are proud to offer the following:
* Weekly School Mass and Daily Religion Classes
* Athletics - Basketball, Volleyball, Track, Archery and Soccer
* Physical Education, Health, STEM
* Band
* Music, Drama, Speech
* Art
* Spanish and Latin
* Library and Computers
* ALPHA Program for Gifted Students
* Before and After School Care
* School Psychometrist
* Guidance Counselor
* School Resource Officer
* Financial Aid and Scholarships
A majority of our graduates are accepted into Catholic high schools and score consistently high on standardized tests.
We invite you to consider our school the academic year. Find out more about our
Admissions Process here.